NAME OF SONG THAT WENT PLATINUM: Credo Feat. Georgia Fullerton.
WHICH MIXTAPE WAS THE SONG ON: Wu-Invasion World Edition Vol. 1
I currently live in Brisbane, Australia.
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN DOING MUSIC: My earliest memories of having the bug for it would have been when i was a little kid making mixtape cassettes to play on my sisters Walkman or getting my first guitar as a teen and that was it, i was hooked. That probably sets it back 15- 20 years.
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO DO MUSIC: The complete escapism and freedom you get when you’re building a track no matter what genre it is. It’s a pretty amazing thing to just have an idea in your head and make that vision a reality that someone else can enjoy whilst having their own interpretation and understanding of it. You can have absolutely nothing to your name and still impact a complete stranger with a song. Music is magic.
WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC ARTIST AND WHY: I don’t think i could ever answer that question. There’s an insane amount of talent in the world and i have so much love for all of it. So many gods from all different genres have shaped who I am today musically and I feel i owe it to them all equally, weather thats from KRS one to Big L or Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd or every random record I’ve collected on a dig. It all plays a part of my life’s soundtrack.
WHO WOULD YOU LOVE TO DO A COLLAB WITH: If we’re talking hiphop wise I’d have to say KRS or immortal techniques for similar reasons. I got into them pretty early on and they definitely paved the foundations for my love of lyricism and using hip hop as a tool to educate people.
WHAT WAS THE NAME OF YOUR FIRST SONG: No idea but it was probably some lame acoustic guitar song when I was like 12 or something.
WOULD YOU RATHER BE INDEPENDENT OR A MAINSTREAM ARTIST: Independent. It’s nice to receive validation and have people support what you do but I wouldn’t want to sell any part of my creative control to get that.
NAME ONE MUSIC ARTIST THAT YOU WOULD BRING BACK FROM THE DEAD: I’m gonna go with Jimi Hendrix, firstly because he's an absolute beast creative with a crazy brain and secondly in the hopes that we could take acid together.
HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE A DISTRUTE KINGS PLATINUM ARTIST: Crazy! It’s been an awesome kick that has allowed me to link up with talented artists and producers from all over that I probably never would have even heard of if not for this opportunity.

Who we are

Distribute Kings is your #1 music distribution company in the world. We have distributed platinum main stream artist & also work with independent record labels & artist..